i know you were curious about it so i went to the
hermes sample sale. this is one girl's story. i got there at 8:30 am with my friend to a line that was a street long filled with non english speaking ladies (note: i
dont mind at all of course, but it wasn't good for questions and/or making friends). the intense sun permeated my glasses and burned my soul as i waited. 11:30 am go time, then elevator line, then bag check sigh, and then to the goods. i grabbed two scarves and two ties for
fam. but the other stuff (
trop cher shoes and bags and clothes) was so fab. then i waited on another crazy line to check out. i high tailed it to work. i strolled in nonchalantly, at a no-big-deal-
i'm-four-hours-late pace to a pile of things on my chair.

verdict/overall satisfaction rate: TBD, i'm too hungry/thirsty/sunburned to tell. and in case youre wondering yeah that pic is of me.